Saturday, January 8, 2011

GOOD NEWS - 11/1/10

im not leaving huamachuco!!!! im happy to stay and sad to see elder cosiguá go. elder morales is staying and will have elder hargis as his comp(another gringo to be with me!!!) and i will be training elder castro to be a district leader and take over my responsability as family group leader/branch president and the rumor is that im gonna leave here in an emergency change before the change is over to go and do what president turk has planned for me. hermano fernando really has amazed me. saturday in the afternoon we went to do our daily visit and apart from the fact that this last week he struggled a lot to progress in his fight against cigarettes and coffee, he started to pour out his sadness and feelings. he woke up and went to a little adventist church for 3 hours in the morning and i honestly have come to believe that Satan works in SOO MANY WAYS that something that appeared to be good for him, brought him thoughts of sadness and to the point where we arrived and he said he was in the middle of having thoughts of commiting suicide. in january, he lost his job, has no wife, feels alone, feels trapped in his addiction, and says waking up sometimes, just feels like saying he wants to stay asleep forever. all these feelings came down on him at once and hearing his words brought sadness to us 3 missionaries. but thank you to the Holy Ghost before we arrived, we ran into a man who sales posters of Jesus Christ in many forms, and half of them are from the Church, which is why he called us over. the 3 of us put our moneys together and bought the famous one of Jesus in Getsemaní and arrived with that in hand as well as a talk i printed off from James E. Faust titled "Power to Change". i know that our words in that visit came directly from Heaven through the power of the Holy Ghost and that all those feelings and words of sadness disappeared. he also said he didnt feel like going to church sunday which obviously brought us down a bit, but leaving we only talked about the good things that were happening and focused on the hope that comes from the gospel, and Sunday morning, before we were even leaving to go to breakfast, we heard a knock on our door, and what do you know?!?!?! hermano fernando showed up not only with a huge smile on his face but in a SUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then from there said he came to help us go get investigators so that he could give them the welcome as they got there. to some, this wouldnt seem so miraculous, but i KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that the Lord worked a great miracle in the life of hermano fernando so that he could regain his strength and desire to keep fighting his addiction. after church he stayed with us to talk, in the night when we visited him, he made his own solution so that by this coming sunday he is only smoking 3 cigarettes. right now hes at 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 in the night. also surprised us this morning by showing up and helped me clean a little bit since its p-day and we cleaned a bit. the man is amazing and cant wait for you all to meet him!(if it has to be after this life, its worth the wait) thank you for all your prayers for me, and i just want you all to know that i cherish you more than you can imagine. my family means more to me than any other thing on this earth, and thanks to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and its saving ordinances, i have the comforting knowledge that i will be able to be by your side FOREVER :) miss and love you all

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