Monday, November 16, 2009

10/5, Fall is in the air. . .Cow Stomach? Interesting. . .

hey mom, first things first, the only thing you can send to the pouch service is trifolded single sheets of paper taped. the little note you sent with the art from elyse came but was opened and had a sticker saying that they dont send them like that which is why they checked inside or something. so yeah. but anyways, still no success for us as far as baptisms go...its killing me but reading that letter of jordans that said he had the same struggle the first 2 months made me feel a little better. a 9 year old named alexander is ready to get baptized and has been to church 3 times but since he watched a baptism a few weeks before we got here with the old elders, he saw that the girl was freezing cold when she came out of the water and now he doesnt want to get baptized, solely for the cold water. so were gonna try and do something to work that out but hes never home and so we cant tal to him. weve taught his mom lessons 1-3 and ive her scriptures to read everytime and she does it and is very interested and understands very well and loved the plan of salvation lesson. the only problem is she still hasnt prayed specifically to recieve an answer about what weve taught her, which is the problem with all 804573586730947563 of our investigators!!!!!!!! ahhh it bugs but ive been patient and know the time will come. also, Marleni, who in 3 days prayed twice about what we taught her and recieved an answer to both, and committed to getting baptized, has since begun teaching catholocism classes to little kids at the catholic church, which is very strange because she told us she didnt practice any religion. so yeah, i worry for this branch because the president does nothing, doesnt come to correlation meetings, and didnt even come to the activity thursday night!!!!!!!!!!!!! and HE LIVES in the same place as the church?! yeah, theres problems, but prayer is keeping me motivated, and although my companion is not doing his part a lot of the time, im probably gonna talk to the zone leaders and hope he makes a change. for the second time yesterday, we ended our fast by eating cow stomach, which totally is not fun.
ciao everyone, love and miss you all.
thanks for the dearelder heidi! i loved it and get so excited when i hear how well the missionary work is there in yours and nikkis ward love - Elder Nichols

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