Thursday, September 24, 2009

So MUCH TO SAY, So little time!~

so.....!!!!!!!!! so much to say in such little time. i dont know how im going to do this. my trainer is elder rivera from guatemela and hes been out 7 months. our area is a little pueblo way up in the mountains called otuzco. i live in a room below the branch president and his wife and the chapel is a "casa capilla". pretty wierd cuz i dont even have hot water and i have to bail water to flush the toilet. oh, and water is only available from like 6.30 to 8 in the morning. totally doesnt always work that way though so ive gone twice without showering but bailed some semi clean water to wash my hair and face. anyways, theres so much work here in the area because before there were only two elders and now theres 4 of us here in this branch of about 60 active members. in a way both companionships are sort of opening new areas so its kind of cool. im the only white person theyve seen in this town for a few years and its funny because everyone stares and all the girls whistle...kinda opposite than the states? haha im such a standout though so i dont really take it as a compliment. our pensionista is the sweetest lady and was the first member in otuzco 12 years ago. in our area there are only 3 member families which kind of is a bummer but there are some great members who go out with us and weve been with at least one member each day for about half the day. ive suprisingly gotten used to eating some sick stuff and cant recall exactly what some of it was, not to mention the food i DO recognize is cooked in a very dirty place where the people dont really stay to clean either. but what can i do? my comp actually is a baby with the food which suprises me seeing that hes latin. but yeah i cant shrink what all i want to say, entonces we have about 9 new investigators, 5 of which are solid, 1 who is a 18 year old girl who within the last 3 days ive actually worked here, and last two with her, she already prayed and knows the BOM is true, and now were hoping she does the same regarding Joseph Smith and the Restoration. miss and love you all...look up otuzco peru on google or something, its a sweet place and there are a lot of drunks on the weekends, and sad to say, we saw a member who is supposedly been having a problem with drinking, drunk late last night as we returned to our cuarto. anyways, theres lots of work to do here and were busy trying to tackle it. hope all is well with you and let me know whats going on at home and with everyone.

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