Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanks to the Lord's hand in His work! June 14 2010

so key indicators this week have shot up thanks to the Lord´s hand in His work and the efforts we have been putting in gaining trust and becoming friends with the members AND the investigators! we had an investigator family of 5 in the make shift chapel which we call meeting center Sunday and have accepted to get baptized!!! as a group we did a little fathers day activity on friday night and we had 3 families come we were so stoked! Familia Cruz is so humble and the young ones are really smart and grasping well to what we teach. reading their BoM´s and everything! the dad makes wood coffins and other little carpintery things carved by hand that are way legit, but at first he wasnt to interested and we were struggling all this week but we kept working with them making sure to visit them everyday and what do ya know...the Lord blessed us for our diligence. well anyway i gotta go times up here, but know that i love and miss you all and am in the process of writing letters, its just so hard to find time honestly. i spoke and taught gospel principles sunday and it was very fun. keep praying for me. we walked 3 hours and 3 back to the place where those little llama things were called vicuña. ciao

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